Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing


Sleep is one of the pillars to supporting our health and wellbeing.

By sleeping well we give our bodies its optimal chance to rest, recharge, repair and renew our bodies cells and tissues including skin, blood and brain cells and also muscles.

However during the menopause, our sleep can become disrupted due to our hormonal changes or blood sugar crashes.We may also feel like we have slept well through the night but still wake up feeling lack lustre and depleted of energy.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Breathing; It’s Your Energy Life Force

Your breath.  It's the one thing you can count on.

It is your constant. It is your Energy Life Force. Breathing nourishes your body.It sends red blood cells filled with oxygen to your organs, your skin and it also heals and repairs injury.

How else can breathing help you?

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Lift your spirits this christmas

Take care of you and lift your spirits in the lead up to Christmas.The benefits of being gentle and kind to yourself will outweigh the need to bow down to the usual stresses of the Christmas season.

 Make sure each day you create some space to

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